8. Anonymous had left a new comment on the post "Plus One":
I want character sketch of Maggie? Review of The Serang of Ranaganji?
I want character sketch of Maggie? Review of The Serang of Ranaganji?
Hai.... Anonymous. This a tribute for all my +1 guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!.
In this
story, Maggie is described as a young girl possessing an excellent
character. She appears to be about 13 or 14 years old. Her large eyes have
a sad expression. She is anxious to know whether the narrator was an
Indian and inquires about him with the cashier. Later, when she meets the
narrator directly, she expresses her anxiety about her brother working as a
soldier in India .She wonders whether her information about India as a
land of tiger, snakes and fevers is right. She invites the narrator to her
home and introduces him to her mother. She also shares her mother's faith
in crystal ring sent from India. When her mother becomes ill, she takes
leave from the office to look after her. She requests the narrator to gaze
at the crystal once more and tell her mom that her brother is alive and
well, although it is a false claim. By doing so, she ensures the well-being
of her mom. When the news of her brother's death comes, Maggie
sacrifices a hard-earned shilling for buying flowers to be laid on her
brother's grave. Thus, she proves herself to be a loving and caring girl.
APPEARANCE : Thirteen years old, anxious figure, large eyes, poorly
ATTITUDE TOWARDS OTHERS: respectful, caring,
working, disciplined, polite manners, an excellent character, loves her
relatives, superstitious.
Hope this will help you a lot buddies !!!!!!!!!!!.
the best 4 all +1 students who are writing their final exam !!!!!!!!!
Gopika S.