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Thursday, November 14, 2019

SSLC English 2019 - 111 Questions & Answers on Using Language Elementsby Mahmud K.

Preparing for SSLC 2019 English Examination
111 Questions & Answers on Using Language Elements
Here is a questionnaire comprised of 111 questions on various elements of the English language, prepared for the SSLC students in order to provide them with extra practice before their English examination.  Students can attempt answering on their own and evaluate their answers with the answer key provide herewith.
Mahmud K
IAEHSS, Kottakkal, Vatakara

How can you improve your spoken English ?

     A lot of my students ask me what is it that they should do to improve their Spoken English. So here is a post to tell them what I feel can improve their English skills.



Dear children, we have almost reached the fag end of this academic year. The
journey we started in the month of the scanty monsoon with much apprehensions and anxieties is going to be over within a couple of weeks. It was
a year which saw your blooming smiles,your longing to get recognized, you
sweating blood, your ambitions, your creativity etc. Now we are all gripped by
the exam fever.You tend to be anxious, tensed and worried because of no
apparent reason. While a little tension proves positive, more of it would upset
you and your performance. Let me help you to ward off those unnecessary
thoughts by pointing out a few of the strategies to douse your exam burn outs.


Preparing well in advance is what you are expected to do. Keep aside a considerable amount of time for your studies, say 8 hours a day giving equal

weightage to all the subjects. Keep in mind that you should put aside a little
extra time to the subjects you feel you are not comfortable with. It is advisable

to have a clear idea about each of your lessons.Avoid new methods at the last

moment.Instead practice the previous question papers. In case you feel some

formulae or equation a hard nut to crack,write it on a piece of chart and paste

it on a nearby wall where your gaze may rest. Make your own time allotments

and stick to it. No one expect you to cram for exams right from the early

morning till late night. Take breaks to refresh. If continuous reading makes you

sick or bored,shift your attention, listen to your favourite song, or go for a stroll

, otherwise have a chat with your siblings or friends or munch some snacks.

After this short break you may feel energized,you can go on with your reading or can change the subject if you want to sustain your interest in the studies. If you think too much reading makes you sleepy,record your reading in your own voice and listen to it. Always prefer morning time to learn because after a good night’s sleep, your mind is clear and clutter free with no intervening thoughts to distract you and you have less distraction from around you as well since every one is fast asleep.Your brain retains what you learn without much distraction. Essay questions are to be prepared using short notes in advance.later you could develop them into longer paragraphs.


1. Mobile phones, friends,relatives,guests,T.v.,games,functions, and gatherings tempt one to forget one’s compelling duties.Hence make sure that you won’t sacrifice the time you alloted for studies to the above said factors. I would even go to the extreme of advising you to uninstall and disconnect those for a short while.But if you think you need net connection for a quick reference,you may keep that. Keeping away yourselves from the blaring sounds of the T.v and the radiating phones may make you healthier and provide you greater concentration.


Exam times are usually hectic because you overwork. Hence you need a lot of
protein in the right amount. But do not take too much rice. Avoid simple carbo

hydrate foods like bread and pasta which release energy and blood sugar too

fast and too instantly in your body and lead to a drastic drop in energy levels. Consume omega three fatty acids which are abound in fish and flax seeds. Vegetarians could go for walnut and almonds.Sleep eight hours a day. Do

not shift to sudden changes in sleep which can cause sleep disorders and can

wreck havoc at your performances. You may fail to recollect or feel sleepy. If

possible drink a glass of milk before bed. Include a lot of leafy vegetables ,fruits

in your daily intake. Avoid oily and spicy food which may make you lethargic

and cause you stomach disorders. Drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration. Most of you have the tendency to skip morning food. Breakfast is the brain food. It is a must for the brain to shoulder the tasks you assign to

it. After the exam don’t rush to junk food or short eats instead prefer food that

is prepared at your home. This is no time for experimenting.


Once you have completed your preparation,you might feel enriched that might

make you more confident. Then anxieties ,to a great extend can be avoided. We worry for the things that never happen.So teach your brain to feel at home. Reach in advance, say half an hour before the appointed hour. Find out your seat and settle in.All your tension may evaporate in seconds.Visualize yourself as n A plus winner.Keep reminding yourself that you can make it.


You are going to be evaluated at the way you present your answers.No matter

how intelligent or studious you are,you are gauged only by the answer sheet

that you craft.So you have to be extra careful while writing your answers.The

examiner has no personal grudge or favour.He would never know that you are

an outstanding performer or an extremely talented and gifted person.Likewise

,he would equally be unaware of your negatives and pitfalls .So one could

never expect a lenience.But at the same time,you can forge your own

future.You are at a liberty to create a lasting impression on the examiner if you

care to adopt a handful of techniques.Present your answers in such a manner

that the ordinary may look extra ordinary.Leave nothing to chance.Pour out all

your efforts to make it impressive. You have to present your ideas as if the

examiner knows nothing about it.Supply all the details and at times give some

extra if the question demands it.Never take anything for granted.Write your

answers in the most beautiful and legible manner.Make your answer sheet

clean, clear and clutter free.Stick to 16 to 18 lines a page.Draw a line to

separate your answers after each sections.Select your pen prior to the

exam.Never try a new pen in the exam hall.They turn deceptive sometimes.

Look carefully the question numbers and write them down.Over excitement at

an expected question may turn things upside down.You may end up writing

the wrong answer if you do not care to read it carefully.You might have heard

your teachers reassuring that if you do not know answer, move on to the

next.But I would want you to stick to the order of the numbers.While

presenting your well prepared answers could get you a positive impression,

there are chances that you may miss some questions in a hurry and even you

may misrepresent the numbers.So it would be better to leave the space with

the question number and then move on to the well prepared one.By the time

you finish an answer confidentially,you would find yourself soon recollecting

the forgotten answers.You can come back to the former page and write the

answer.Repeating answers in alternative pages is a waste of time as marks can

be awarded only once.I hope no one would venture to such a grievous fault.I

would also want you not to break the fill in the blanks series and attempt them

individually.Neither are you expected to write the complete paragraph.Proof

reading should be done after you finish answering to check if you have missed

some points or headings or even question numbers.If you feel that you have

attempted a wrong answer ,you need not criss cross it with all the ink in the

seven oceans.Just a striking would do .


Let me remind you not to discuss a bad paper.Be it for good or bad it is always

beneficial not to discuss it at all.You want to make sure that you have written

the right answers and if it is right you feel relieved and more confident ,which

may boost your energies. But look at the flip side.If things go wrong ,you may

feel depressed and it is going to tamper the rest of the exams .Stay positive

and believe in yourself.


We know we need the unconditional support from our parents to motivate

,inspire and make us stronger at the time of exams especially.So dear

parents,let your presence make them reassuring and more confident.Shower

praise on your kids even at their little efforts and achievements.Don’t blame

them and compare them.Each child is unique in his own way.Focus on his

positive and cement it.Also keep them happy.Be a shadow that would remain

always with them.Extend all your help .Make your child feel that he is the best

and the most important person in the whole world to you.Give priority to his

time,needs and of course the exam.Let us hold those fingers since they are

facing the first exam that would determine their future.

Last but not the least be disciplined and

optimistic.Approach your exam centre with a brave

heart,dressed with a radiant smile.

“If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

If you can dream and not make dreams your master,

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two imposters just the same,

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and every thing that’s in it.


Mrs. Jisha K.

Get - Set - Go ---------->> SSLC 2019

Dear children, parents and teachers,

Yes, its the time for fun and frolic. Enjoy it to the brim !!!

The Christmas season is a busy time of the year when thoughts turn to celebrations. With exams at Christmas, students can complete the exams and have time to enjoy a relaxing break with a fresh start to look forward to in the new year as they eagerly wait for a public examination that decides the future.

The SSLC exam is just weeks away... Of course a turning point in one's life..

A proper guidance and advice will definitely help you to achieve the goal.

What are your expectations for these exams ?

When do you plan to begin studying ?

How will you study and how much will you study?

Does more study mean higher grades?

Shall we discuss ?
Studying is only one of the parts in the preparation to get good marks in the exam. No matter how hard you study, as a student if you don't know how to go about preparing or taking the exam, you will not be able to achieve as much as you want.

First step in preparation of the exam is to know how important the examination is to you based on the course you are going to pursue.

       The difference between students who score 100% and students who score in a band of 90 to 100 is the silly errors committed by them in the exam. Errors in Maths such as ‘+’ in place of ‘-‘, numbers not written properly, end not finished properly etc., spelling/grammatical errors in English. In terms of intelligent level and understanding level there may not be any difference between students who score 100% and the students who score 80%. The real difference between them is in their study methodology or the way they practice studies.

    The parents play a very significant role in the student’s achievements. Out of 10 students who score 100%, 9 have their parents behind them. The home ambiance is one of the most important aspects in the student’s performance. It is absolute commitment and self belief, self motivation and sense of responsibility, and the sense of feeling that their life depends on education. They naturally adapt right methodology, which includes learning the lessons properly. She/he will not blame anyone or anything but will keep their focus on studies, they are passionate, obsessed, they are on a mission and not just on another assignment. Once if every student gets that feeling, surely she/he will score 100%.

To Parents

One of the parents should be at home when the child returns from the school, taking care of the child's needs – proper healthy food that the child likes. Encourage the child to sleep well, at least for a minimum of 6 continuous hours. Encourage them to play at least one hour in the evening, to relax for at least half an hour every two hours. Inculcate meditating practice – just half a minute before every time the child starts to study and leaves the study. Like the computer, human brain needs to be properly opened and closed for effective intake.

     Discourage TV viewing as it is a major deterrent, like virus in the computer. TV, being a strong medium, will rust the information stored in the brain for the purpose of exam. Parent must not also watch TV when the child is studying in the house. During exam time do not be behind them asking questions. More importantly you need to be available to the child as a resource, be there to clarify their questions. Primary responsibility of the parent is to create and make the right resources available to the child in their pursuit of knowledge or effective learning. In normal circumstances, encourage the child to make the best use of the resources available in the school such as Teachers, libraries etc. Teachers are experts, discuss with them about your child and right study methodology for him/her.
To students

Focus on learning. Do not mug up or stuff.

       Your focus should be in learning and understanding the subject. List out all your doubts in a subject – get them clarified with your school teacher or your parents or expert in the subject. Go para by para in your text book. There should not be anything that you are not able to explain. Organize Cooperative learning – take classes to others in rotation- as you explain your understanding level will go up – Questions should be asked by others. Then practice – writing - as many times as possible. Always understand the subject, familiarize and understand the meaning of key words. Practice all problems, Formulae, definitions, as many times as possible. More you practice [writing], less errors will you commit in the exam. Basically there should not be any problem in the book that you are not able to solve. If you are thorough with your book, 70% is assured. In the 30 days before the exam time, you should be obsessed with your studies, nothing else should matter to you.
     Have a study time table convenient to you – that should include eating time, sleeping time and play time. Be careful about what you eat. Eat less; do not over eat. Before you start and close the studies, meditate to get into the mood and to get out safely. Otherwise, like you would lose files when you close the computer wrongly, part of what you studied in the end will get erased or become hazy.



Leave the child alone. Be there like a caretaker; attend immediately to their calls for water, tea or milk, food etc., never speak anything negative.


At least two days before the starting of the exams make a checklist of the implements required and ensure you have them- pencils, pens in spare.
On the day of the exam, get up a little late than usual, be cool, check the implements.

Go to the exam hall just before the time – do not look into the book.
During exam times – do not study through the night – you may get blocked out when you sit in the exam hall. Once you get ready write answers.
Only revise what you have studied- do not take up any new subject.
After each exam, relax, have a nap, do not worry too much about the mistakes you have committed in the exam and check your implements for the next day – put them in a bag that you carry daily – so that you will not have to waste time before going to the exam and get tensed if something is found not alright.

In the Exam hall

  • Be cool – listen to the instructions carefully – take time to read the question paper carefully, understand the instructions and then start to write.

  • Bring at least two pens/pencils with good erasers, a calculator with enough batteries and any other resources that your instructor allows you to.

  • Bring a watch with you so that you can better pace yourself.

  • Stay positive throughout the whole exam and try to stay relaxed. If you start to feel nervous take a few deep breaths to relax.

  • Keep your eyes on your own paper, you don't want to appear to be cheating and cause unnecessary trouble for yourself.

  • Do the easiest problems first. Don't stay on a problem that you are stuck on especially when time is a factor.

  • Do the problems that have the greatest point values first.

  • Don't rush but pace yourself. Read the entire question and look for keywords.

  • Write legibly. If the grader can't read what you wrote, they'll most likely mark it wrong.

  • Always read the whole question carefully. Don't make assumptions about what the question might be.

  • If you don't know an answer, skip it. Go on with the rest of the test and come back to it later. Other parts of the test may have some information that will help you out with that question.

  • Don't worry if others finish before you. Focus on the test in front of you.

  • If you have time left when you are finished, look over your test. Make sure that you have answered all the questions, only change an answer if you misread or misinterpreted the question because the first answer that you put is usually the correct one. Watch out for careless mistakes and proofread your essay and/or short answer questions.

  • Most importantly it has to come from within you, a hunger for achievement. The sense of responsibility that you are writing the exam and getting good marks is for you. Take it as training. There are much bigger things waiting for you.
This exam is the first step in your life - a trial. Take the first step firmly; you can climb other steps in the life ladder easily.

All the best

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