English Blog is proud to announce the starting of a page especially for clearing the doubts of students and teachers. We request the whole hearted support of all of you teachers in clearing the doubts of students. | | |


ഈ പേയ്ജ് നിര്‍മാണഘട്ടത്തിലാണ് ....
ഇതിന്റെ നിര്‍മ്മിതിയില്‍ സഹകരിക്കാന്‍ താല്പര്യം ഉണ്ടോ  ?
എങ്കില്‍ rajeevjosephkk@gmail.com എന്ന വിലാസത്തില്‍ ബന്ധപ്പെടുമല്ലോ...
A Song for L.P. School Students - Prepared by Suja Ramesh


  1. hi
    It is a very good effort and I am very happy to have visited your site. I wish all the best for the progress of this site. I would also like to contribute my share towards developing the primary class English activities and help other teachers to enable the children to read and speak the language with ease.

    1. Dear Suja Tr.,
      You are most welcome to contribute your share in the Primary Section. Actually I was desperately seeking a help for that section.

  2. can you pls update activities by lesson

  3. Dear Mr./Mrs. Unknown,
    Can you do please update activities lesson by lesson for us.

  4. Can you publish model questions for sslc gk exam. / can you give me an idea how the questions will be

  5. i have a CD which Contain 1-4 Classes lessons as in presentation prepared by haneefa master it will be help full to lower primary teachers hariskt123@gmail.com

  6. sir......
    i have sent you some worksheets' link but u didnt posted it yet......it was sent from my email id ajamalne@gmail.com

  7. Dear Abdul Jamal Sir,
    I am in Maharashtra undergoing a three months Military Training for NCC Officers. Sorry for not publishing your material. It will soon be published.

  8. how to get video cd of english lessons in standard 1

  9. can you help us to search maths English medium text for STD 1

  10. can you help us to search maths English medium text for STD 1
