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Monday, March 16, 2015

SSLC 2015 Physics - Capsule for Sure A+

Dear teachers / students,

Mr. Alif Muhammed A. has prepared a capsule for a sure pass / an excellent result in the Kerala Syllabus SSLC Physics Exam 2015. When you go through this guide that he has prepared you will be amazed to see the effort he has taken to make this a useful one. Let us all thank him for this free study material that he has given us. Just imagine how much it will cost in the market !!!


  1. Right post at the right time and that too in English Blog !!!

    I have observed that English Blog concentrated only on English and ignored other subjects. This year you gave us study materials on Biology and now Physics.

    Thank you English Blog for accommodating other subjects too.

    1. Dear "Anonymous",

      Thanks for the comment. English Blog has never ignored other subjects !!

      The reality is nobody send study materials to English Blog. If somebody sends materials we are happy to publish any post

    2. If possible please mention your name in the comments.

  2. This capsule was amazing for perfect preparation. I will link this on my site www.biologyexplain.blogspot.in

  3. simple notes...thank you...

  4. Thank you sir good job these helped me a lot I feel very confidence after revising this thank you....
