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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Preparing ourselves for the Hi Tech classes

Dear all,

Most of you who visit English Blog must also be regular visitors of Maths Blog. And those who teach ICT must be familiar with the name Vipin Mahatma. He is from Kollam. He is not a teacher in the regular service but has been helping and guiding thousand of teachers to teach ICT in the High school classes.

His tutorials on the You Tube and through his DVDs are familiar to most of us.

This year some schools have come up with a novel idea.

Apart from the training given by the state government for handling ICT classes they have voluntarily decided to invite Vipin to their school to train them for a day or two on ICT. The positive attitude of those teachers and the school authorities ought be appreciated. It shows the dedication of the teachers to improve themselves and equip themselves for the Hi Tech classrooms.

Kudos to those teachers...

NB : If you have any such plan you may contact him via. the following numbers