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Sunday, September 23, 2018
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
SSLC English 2018 - Analysis of Textual Passages and Poems by Mahmud K.
Here are some analytical questions based on
passages and poems in the English textbook for Std. X and their answers.
Students can try to answer on their own and evaluate their answers referring to
the answer keys provided herewith.
Download the questions and answers lesson-wise :
Thanks and regards,
Mahmud K.
IAEHSS, Kottakkal, Vatakara.
SSLC English - Ballad of Fr.Gilligan - School Boy - Mother to Son :- Comprehension Questions

Almost all the possible questions have been listed out. Kudos to his sharing mentality. Thank you very much sir.
SSLC English - School Boy - Comprehension Questions
SSLC English - Mother to Son - Comprehension Questions
SSLC English - Mother to Son - Comprehension Questions
Std.10 English-U(III)-Ch(2) - The Danger of a Single Story by Mahmud K.
Dear teachers and students,
The lesson The Danger of a Single Story
in X standard English textbook is a speech by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie,
a young and highly popular Nigerian writer. The speech was presented at
an official TED conference in July 2009.
"Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories.
Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her
authentic cultural voice — and warns that if we hear only a single story
about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding".
(Recorded at TEDGlobal, July 2009, Oxford, UK.)
The audio file of the speech is attached herewith and the video is available here:
Students can enjoy it going through the text simultaneously with the real voice of its authoress.
Thanks and regards,
Mahmud K
IAEHSS, Kottakkal, Vatakara.Std.10 English-U(V)-Ch(2)- My Childhood Days - Adichie's speech - Notes by Jisha K.
Dear all,
This is Jisha K. working as HSA English at GHSS Kattilangadi, Tanur, Malappuram. I would like to share with you all some notes I have prepared for Class X English learners. Hope you would tell me the response through comments.
SSLC English - Adichie's speech - Notes by Jisha K.
Monday, August 13, 2018
App for School Election by Jipson Jacob
ഇന്സ്റ്റാള് ചെയ്ത ശേഷം clear എന്ന പാസ്വേഡ് നല്കി database
ക്ലിയര്ചെയ്തുവേണം ഉപയോഗിക്കാന്.
വിദ്യാര്ത്ഥികള്ക്കും പഴങ്ങളാണ് ചിഹ്നങ്ങളായി നല്കിയിരിക്കുന്നത്.
മത്സരിക്കുന്ന കുട്ടികളുടെ എണ്ണം Set ബട്ടണ് ഉപയോഗിച്ച് ക്രമീകരിക്കാം (എന്നാല് മോക്ക് പോളിങ്ങിനു ശേഷം clear ചെയ്താല് വീണ്ടും സെറ്റ്
ചെയ്യേണ്ടിവരും). റിസള്ട്ട് അറിയാന് get എന്നാണ് പാസ്വേഡ്. ഒരു കുട്ടി
വോട്ട്ചെയ്താല് 10 സെക്കന്റു നേരത്തേയ്ക്ക് ബട്ടണ് അപ്രത്യക്ഷമാകുന്ന
രീതിയിലാണ് ക്രമീകരിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നത്. ബാക്കി ഏറെക്കുറെ വോട്ടിങ്ങ്
മെഷീന്പോലെയാണ്. ഉപയോഗിച്ചുനോക്കി അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള് കമന്റായി അറിയിക്കുമല്ലോ? മറ്റു ചില മാറ്റങ്ങളും അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ മനസ്സിലുണ്ട്. ക്രമേണ അതും ഉള്പ്പെടുത്താം എന്നു അദ്ദേഹം കരുതുന്നു.
Thursday, August 02, 2018
Monday, July 30, 2018
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Std.8 English-U(II)-Ch(1) - A Shipwrecked Sailor - Narrative
Narrate the story of Velasco as if you were Velasco's friend.
Velasco and his four friends were sailing through the Caribbean Sea. Suddenly a huge storm hit the ship and in no moments the ship was torn into pieces. When Velasco gained his conscience ,he was in the middle of the ocean. There was no sign of the ship anywhere. He thought he was utterly alone. But a couple of minutes later, he began to hear shouts nearby. He spotted Julio Amador Carabello, the tall well-built officer who was yelling at someone.Velasco felt relieved because he realized that at least he was not alone in the dangerous sea. He was holding onto a crate. Suddenly he spotted two liferafts at the crest of a dancing wave. After what seemed to be a struggle for sometime, he caught hold of the raft and in the meantime, one of the rafts disappeared. It was by then he saw three of his mates trying to reach the raft. It was Castillo and Carabello. The former was clinging on to the neck of Carabello. On the other side, it was Rengifo, who was holding his headphones aloft, a confident young man. A few yards away was,Ramon Herrera, the happy young man from Arjona.Velasco was clueless as to whom to save first. He saw himself paddling furiously towards Herrera .But couldn't save him because of a heavy wind. Herrera was not seen any longer. Carbello and Castillo were just three metres away and were struggling to reach the raft. But a gigantic wave lifted the raft and tossed it. When he came down, he couldn't see the two.The only one who was swimming confidently was Rengifo. But the weather was tough and he couldn't paddle a little. Rengifo, after swimming for a long time showed signs of exhaustion. He signalled Velasco to come near to him. The wind was blowing heavily and his reply didnt reach the fatigued man. In his struggle to stay alive Rengifo didn't give up. He ducked under water to prevent the waves from sweeping him away. There was a moment when Rengifo was too near to touch the oar. But unfortunately ,Rengifo gave up. Velasco saw his hands sinking down for ever in the water. A desperate Velasco remained in the water searching for more of people .But none came up. It was getting hot out there in the middle of the sea. The sun was metallic hot. Velasco figured out that the shipwreck claimed the lives just in ten minutes .He calculated that the rescue team could take at least three or four hours to reach him. Sitting on the life raft, waiting for the rescue team was something beyond words. He, without food and water and some bruises tried to resign to his fate. Alone in the middle of the sea, he was completely uncertain as to what to do. Fighting solitude was a daring act. Velasco started counting his belongings. It was to distract himself from the stray thoughts that haunt him.
Std.8 English-U(II)-Ch(1) - A Shipwrecked Sailor - Character sketch of Loui Alejandro Velasco
Attempt a possible character sketch of Velasco
Alejandro Louis Velasco is the narrator of the lesson the shipwrecked sailor. He is the lone survivor of the disastrous shipwreck that claimed a lot of lives. A young and brave sailor ,Velasco was on board the ship with some of his shipmates. He chanced to get hold of the life raft and felt easy in the beginning as he saw many of his shipmates around him in the sea trying to stay afloat amid the cargo ,a few yards away . He could easily recognize the voices of his friends and keep their appearance and manners to his heart. He is an amiable man who remembers each of his close friends. A man of courage ,Velasco wished earnestly to help his friends and he struggled in vain to reach them.Velasco remains courageous through out the tough survival. It took ten days for the rescue team to reach him. A brave Velasco managed to remain alive with an unfailing spirit and with equal confidence.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Monday, July 16, 2018
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Friday, July 13, 2018
Std.10 English-U (I) - Chapters (1, 2 & 3) Summaries by Jipson Jacob
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Friday, June 29, 2018
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Std.10 English-U(I)-Ch(3 & 4)-Girl's Garden & Mother to Son - Appreciation by Jisha K.
Mrs. Jisha K. of GBHSS Tirur has prepared for us an appreciation to the poem, Mother to Son. We thank you teacher for the share.
Mrs. Jisha K.
HSA English
Government Boys HSS,Tirur
Monday, June 25, 2018
Std.10 English-U(I)-Ch(4)- Mother to Son - Detailed Notes by Jamsheed
Prepared by
AEHSS. Thirurkkad. Malappuram DT
AEHSS. Thirurkkad. Malappuram DT
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Friday, June 22, 2018
Thursday, June 21, 2018
I hope someone will kindly consider my concerns and give a clarification.
My name is XYZ. I am working as an HSA English. Now there are only 8 divisions in my school. 7 divisions are alloted to me. One division has been allotted to the SS teacher. There are 2
divisions in 10th Std. So extra classes are also there in the morning and
evening sessions. As far as I am concerned it's a work load. When I
asked to other English teachers I could learn that the excess periods in
their schools are handled by teachers of Science/Maths etc. But I don't
know whether there is any rule which impose English periods on other
teachers. If there is a rule I can confidently present it before the
staff. There are teachers with not more than 4 or 5 periods per day.
Why a second English post is allowed only for the 9th division when it
shares equal score with Social Science, Maths etc. I hope someone will kindly
consider my concerns and give a clarification.
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Std.10 English-U(I)-Ch(2) -The Snake and the Mirror - Discourses by Jisha K.
Mrs. Jisha K. of GBHSS Tirur has prepared for us discourses questions on Snake and the Mirror. We thank you teacher for the share.
Mrs. Jisha K.
HSA English
Government Boys HSS,Tirur
Std.10 English-U(I)-Ch(3) -A Girl’s Garden - Comprehension Questions by Javed
Dear Javed sir. Thanks from English Blog on behalf of English teachers ans students of Kerala for these Comprehension questions with answers from the poem 'A Girl's Garden' by Robert Frost.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Std.10 English-U(I)-Ch(2)- The Snake and the Mirror - Video
Dear all,
Vaikom Muhammed Basheer's The Snake and the Mirror is an interesting story in SCERT Std. X English text book of Kerala Syllabus English. 'Digital Teacher' had prepared and uploaded a video study material for this story when it was included in the CBSE textbook. I have slightly collected their six video collections and edited them so as to suit our purpose. Hope it will beneficial for all of us for the next few years.
NB : All rights belong to DIGITAL TEACHER. English Blog just republished it for SCERT students and teachers.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
SSLC Eng Grammar & Composition by Mahmud K. Pukayoor
Mahmud K Pukayoor
(Al Falah English School, Peringadi, Mahe)
Friday, June 15, 2018
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Std.10 English-U(I)-Ch(1)- Vanka - Discourses by Jisha K.
Mrs. Jisha K. of GBHSS Tirur
has sent us some discourses based on the Chapter 1 Vanka in Std. 10 English text. Thank you teacher on behalf of all English
teachers, students and parents.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Narrative -VANKA
Vanka's story burdens us with heavy blocks of tears. How far do you agree with this statement. Prepare a narrative of the lesson Vanka.
Vanka ,the story ,scripted by the versatile Russian short story writer ,Anton Chekhov unfolds the miserable life of a nine year old boy .The child was thrown to wilderness to perish in the dark corners of his Master's room. He was physically and mentally tortured by his cruel master Alyakhin.Vanka, the parentless child was brought up by his grandpa, his only relative in this entire world. His Grandpa, Konstantin Makarich, was a sixty five year old night guard at the estate of the gentleman called Zhivarev. As he was getting older, he finds it hard to take care of Vanka and suspects that there wouldn't be more time left to him. So he decided to send him to learn shoe making under Alyakhin. A real hell opens up before the child as he enters the Alyakhins. The poor boy Vanka was subjected to all kinds of humiliation and harassment there. His master would force him to do all the works besides shoe making and would punish him mercilessly for no fault of his own .He would sometimes beat him with the stirrup-straps or the lasts and he would drag him by his hair. At night he had to rock their baby to sleep and would incur their wrath if it wails. He was not given a bed to sleep. Instead he had to sleep in the passage. Most of the days, he wakes up sleep deprived. Moreover he wasn't provided enough food. A frugal meal of gruel would be the only left over he would get to fill his stomach. The child was at the brink of collapse. He really wished to fly away from the hell as early as possible .The senior apprentices there also didn't step back in harming the innocent child. They compelled him to visit the nearby tavern and bring vodka from there. They wanted him to steal the master's cucumbers. The poor soul would deny and would therefore be more likely to invite more troubles. Alyakhin's wife also tortured the boy to every bits. She smeared the fish on him for cutting it on the tail end.In short, the child felt completely abandoned and lonely. Tears would roll down from his cheeks while thinking about the cruelties he was subjected to. He had great faith in his grandpa. Therefore ,he writes a letter to his grandpa at a Christmas night when the whole family of Alyakhins left for the mass. The child was shiver as he wrote an account of his woeful tale to his grandpa. He was too scared of his master and wouldn't want to be caught writing in his absence .The child vests his hopes on his old grandpa to save him from Alyakhin and his ilk. But amidst his miseries, the child remembers the good old days he had with his grandpa. They were heavenly. Christmas time was the best. He compares his life with granyand life at Moscow. He couldn't find any interesting there. Instead innocence chained and freedom denied. His earlier life was too simple and more satisfying. He fondly thinks about everyone who touched his life in one way or the other. Finally he ends up his letter with a promise. Once he is rescued from there, he would grind the snuffpowder for his grandpa and would take care of his grandpa and even would pray for him after he has long gone from this world. He says he would be ready to embrace any thing. The child sobs at the end hoping his grandpa to come over there and take him from Alyakhin's custody. The story discussws the issue of child labour that was rampant there. Orphans and destitutes like Vanka were more prone to such inhuman practice. The authorities conveniently shut their eyes to the reality. Vanka and his heart rending story remains as a chocked sob in every reader. All his share of child hood joys being nipped in the bud, we feel extremely sorry for his vengeful fate. We long for a justice too soon to him before he withers up. The writer has used a compelling language to reach out the effects and mood and tone of the story. The milieu is best portrayed. A pen so mightier raised to question the complacent people sitting in their glass houses was so evident. Vanka, his grandpa, Miss Olga, the two dogs eel and Kashtanga, the cruel Alyakhins etc are the characters which haunt us even after the story is done.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Monday, June 11, 2018
Std.10 English-U(I)-Ch(2)- The Snake and the Mirror - Sample Questions by Prasanth P.G.
This post is a list of questions prepared by Prasanth P.G. on the chapter Snake and the Mirror of Std. X English.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Was Konstantin Makarich right in sending Vanka to Moscow? What impression do you form after reading Vanka about him?
Konstantin Makarich, is undoubtedly, one of the prime characters from the story 'Vanka ' which tells the unimaginable miseries of Vanka, an orphaned boy of nine. Konstantin Makarich, the only relative of Vanka, brought up the child as his mother Pelageya died at a very young age. This old man in his late sixties is an interesting character. He looks short physically but is way smart and agile. He always plants a smile on his face. His eyes are bleary although with drinks. He has a lot many worries and concerns that plague him every single day and night when he thinks about the little boy and his future. He knows that he wouldn't pull any longer. He had been toying with the idea of sending him to learn something which could prove useful later in his life. But he and conscience might have been on a tug of war. Finally, as he deems himself more experienced at the roller coaster of life, he drew courage to send Vanka to Moscow to learn shoe making as an apprentice under the shoemaker Alyakhin. He never ever imagined that he is inviting unending misery for nine year old Vanka. He was a responsible night guard at the estate of the gentleman called Zhivarev. He was punctual and loyal and his sense of duty is worth to be appreciated. During night, he would roam round the estate with two of his loyal dogs eel and kashtanga, sounding his rattle. And during day time, he would either sit with the kitchen maids and crack jokes or would sleep. He uses snuffpowder and the most beautiful part of it is generously offering it to the maids and even to his dogs. He stays around and proves helpful to the gentry especially at Christmas time . He would bring the cut branches of fir trees to be decorated.He loved his child too much. He meant the world to him. He never wanted his sudden departure from this world to wreck havoc in the tender mind. Neither was he comfortable in letting the child to live at the mercy of others. He also not wanted him to lead the life of an orphan,once he bids farewell from this world. Schools,in those days for the under privileged like Vanka did not actually work. They could neither offer safety nor a well earned trade. So, the old man thought to make Vanka self sufficient ,first. He never meant any harm by keeping him away from school. In short, we couldn't blame Konstantin Makarich in not letting the child to learn in a school .The tough lessons of life that he has learnt, he possibly thinks that were not essentially from a school. For him life mattered more, and Vanka was on top of his priorities. He couldn't take chances to operate.An affectionate and caring old grandpa with a lot of compassion brimming out. This is what Konstantin Makarich simply was.
Saturday, June 09, 2018
Vanka-the hapless child eats up our conscience with tears rolling down his cheeks. An image so compelling that would render us sleepless nights. Based on the story Vanka ,draft his character sketch.
Vanka, the nine year old orphaned child was the protagonist of the story titled as "Vanka " scripted by the celebrated Russian short story writer Anton Chekhov. He was brought up by his grandpa ,Konstantin Makarich, an old man at his late sixties, the only relation left to him in this entire world. Vanka loved his grandpa too much and his grandpa too reciprocated the same. He was as happy as a lark when he was with grandpa .As Konstantin Makarich was getting older, he decided to send him to a safer hand, a safer place. It was getting hard for the Oldman to take care of little Vanka any longer. Therefore, Vanka was send to Moscow to learn shoe making as an apprentice under Alyakhin, the shoe maker. Little did Vanka and his old grandpa know about the trouble they were inviting unwittingly.Vanka,the little boy and his childhood joys were thrown to wilderness at the hands of the cruel master. All the bliss and joys a child could hope for was crushed under his boots.Vanka had a hellish existence at the Alyakhins. He had to perform strenuous works and was beaten up all the while for no fault of his own
At times the master would beat him with anything that he gets in his hands.Once he had beaten him with a last and dragged him by his hair. At night, Vanka had to rock their baby to sleep. He wasn't given bed to sleep in. He slept in the passage.Or he hadn't any sleep at all. Every day, he wakes up sleep deprived. In addition to all these, he wasn't provided enough food. A frugal gruel adorned his menu. All the other senior apprentices also made his life too miserable. They would send him to the tavern and force him to get vodka from there and compel him to steal the Master's cucumbers. Vanka was reared truthful and honest by his mother who died at an early age.Hence ,he would protest and thereby incur more of their tortures and punishments. He was insulted and harassed mentally as well as physically. Alyakhin's wife too wasn't far behind in assaulting the child. She showers her wrath on him by smearing fish on him for unknowingly cutting the fish at the tail end. In short, life at Moscow for Vanka was below the dignity of a dog. But even amidst his woeful tales struggles ,he remembers fondly the happy days he spend with his grandpa. He has huge faith in him and he believes strongly that he would stand by him all the time. This hope in him made him write a letter to his grandpa pleading him to save him from the monster and his ilk. Vanka, was a God fearing, sincere, caring and thoughtful child. He assures ,in his letter to grandpa, that he would do anything for him and even would pray for his soul once he has boffensive farewell to this world. Vanka, shows infinite courage to withstand the hardships. Since he is a nine year old child, he is too young to be send away. But obediently, he keeps the word of his grandpa. He is too quick a learner and a good human being at heart. He forwards his regards to his acquaintances and close connections.He fell as victim of childlabour and repressents tens of thousands of such children under captivity. Children ,mostly poor and destitute were being exploited. It was sight that was so familiar in Russia, at those times when child labour was too rampant a practice. The innocent image of Vanka leaves an indelible mark upon the conscience of the entire humanity.
Std.8 English - Discourses on THE MYSTERIOUS PICTURE
Mrs. Jisha K. has prepared for us a collection of discourses for the chapter The Mysterious Picture. Let us encourage her through our comments and suggestions.
Jisha K.
HST English
Government Boys Higher Secondary, Tirur.
Friday, June 08, 2018
Std.10 English-U(I)-Ch(1) -Vanka - Imaginary Interview with Vanka - Audio
English Blog in the last 6 years has published a lot of study materials but this one is the first of its kind being published in our Blog.
A team of teachers have prepared an audio file - an imaginary interview with
Vanka. The teachers who worked behind it are Mr. Jaleel sir, Mr. Sunny sir, Mr. Rojan sir and
Hats off to them to for its perfection.
Thursday, June 07, 2018
Std.10 English-U(I)-Ch(1 & 2)-Presentation - Vanka & Snake and the Mirror - by Thankachan Kulapallil
Thankachan Kulapallil is a name familiar to the visitors of English Blog since 2011. His posts were super hits till that text book changed.
This academic year, on the light of the ICT training that we received, he has prepared a slide presentation that could be used in the teaching of Vanka and the Snake and the Mirror.
It has been prepared using Libre Office Impress and saved as an odp file. In windows it may face some problems.
Thankachan Kulappallil
Holy Ghost BHS Muttuchira, Kottayam
Wednesday, June 06, 2018
Std.10 English-U(I)-Ch(1)- Vanka - Discourse questions by Prasanth P.G.
Hi all,
Here are a few discourse questions based
on Vanka attempted by me. This is only a small contribution to English Blog.I will try to contribute more.
with regards,
Prasanth P.G.
Monday, June 04, 2018
Std.10 English-U(I)-Ch(1)- Vanka - Summary and Sample TM by Parvathy Venkiteswaran
Dear all,
Regular visitors of English Blog are familiar with the name Parvathy Venkiteswaran. She is excellent at preparing quality study/teaching materials for our Kerala State Syllabus. The post of English Blog this year is by her for students of Std.10 English. It is the summary of Vanka the first chapter in SSLC English Text Book 2016. She has also included a lesson plan of the same chapter with necessary exercises.
Parvathy Venkiteswaran
Samooham HS, North Paravoor
Saturday, June 02, 2018
Std.10 English-U(I)- Vanka - Animation Movie by Arunkumar A.R.
Vanka Animation Movie by Arunkumar A.R.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Preparing ourselves for the Hi Tech classes
Dear all,
His tutorials on the You Tube and through his DVDs are familiar to most of us.
This year some schools have come up with a novel idea.
Apart from the training given by the state government for handling ICT classes they have voluntarily decided to invite Vipin to their school to train them for a day or two on ICT. The positive attitude of those teachers and the school authorities ought be appreciated. It shows the dedication of the teachers to improve themselves and equip themselves for the Hi Tech classrooms.
Kudos to those teachers...
NB : If you have any such plan you may contact him via. the following numbers
Most of you who visit English Blog must also be regular visitors of Maths Blog. And those who teach ICT must be familiar with the name Vipin Mahatma. He is from Kollam. He is not a teacher in the regular service but has been helping and guiding thousand of teachers to teach ICT in the High school classes.
His tutorials on the You Tube and through his DVDs are familiar to most of us.
This year some schools have come up with a novel idea.
Apart from the training given by the state government for handling ICT classes they have voluntarily decided to invite Vipin to their school to train them for a day or two on ICT. The positive attitude of those teachers and the school authorities ought be appreciated. It shows the dedication of the teachers to improve themselves and equip themselves for the Hi Tech classrooms.
Kudos to those teachers...
NB : If you have any such plan you may contact him via. the following numbers
Friday, March 23, 2018
Thursday, March 08, 2018
SSLC English 2018 - A Brush Up Course by Mahmud K.
Preparing for SSLC 2018
English Examination
A brush-up Course
This is a humble effort to
equip the SSLC students with the required resources to face the English examination effectively and
help them score the maximum. Students are guided to answering rightly various
questions and handling effectively different tasks such as analytical
questions, various discourses, language elements etc. As a last moment brush-up
course, it is highly expected, going through these notes will definitely be beneficial
to the students. സാധാരണ SSLC
പരീക്ഷയ്ക്ക് ചോദിക്കാറുള്ള വിവിധങ്ങളായ Analytical questions based on textbook and unfamiliar
passage, various discourses,
Language elements തുടങ്ങിയവ വിദ്യാർഥികളെ ലളിതമായി പരിചയപ്പെടുത്താൻ ശ്രമിക്കുകയാണ് ഇവിടെ. അവസാന വട്ട ഒരുക്കം എന്ന നിലയിൽ,
ഈ guideline
ലൂടെ മനസ്സിരുത്തിയുള്ള ഒരു കടന്നു പോക്ക് തീർച്ചയായും
വിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾക്ക് ഉപകാരപ്രദമാകും എന്ന് പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കുന്നു. വിജയാശംസകൾ നേരുന്നു!
Mahmud K
IAEHSS, Kottakkal, Vatakara.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Sunday, February 11, 2018
SSLC English - Worksheets on various grammatical terms for SSLC by Mahmud K.
Dear Sir,
Active and Passive Voice.
As soon as/No sooner …
Conditional Sentences.
Direct and Indirect/Reported Speech.
Enough (Usage)
Had better.
Tag questions.
The more…the more.
Would rather.
10. Question Formation.
Thanks and regards,
Mahmud K.
IAEHSS, Kottakkal, Vatakara.
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Std.10 English-U(V) - A Worksheet for Practicing Reported Speech by Libin K. Kurian
Here is a worksheet which consists of certain questions on reported
speech based on Unit 5, Class 10. Hope it will be useful for the
students in their preparation for SSLC exam 2018.
Thanks and regards,
Libin K. Kurian
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
SSLC 2018 - Model Question Paper with Answers by Mahmud K.
for SSLC 2018 English Examination
Question paper (QP1)
is a Model Question paper taken from the SCERT Question Pool for the SSLC
students. All the answers, including various discourses, have been provided herewith
to assist the students in their learning and practicing. I sincerely hope that
this will be beneficial to all students, who are in stringent exam preparations,
to have a model before their real Model Examinations begin.
Thanks and regards,
Mahmud K,
IAEHSS, Kottakkal, Vatakara
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Mobile App versions of SCERT English Question Pool for English Grammar...
Dear all,
The downloadable google drive links of the .apk files of English Question Pool by SCERT designed by ENGLISH CLUB, TSNMHS
Kundurkunnu, Malappuram.
2. Phrasal Verbs
5.Interpreting Data
6.Reported Speech
7.Unfamiliar Passage
8.Construction of Sentences
Mr. Pramod N. Murthy, HSA Maths of TSNM HS Kundurkkunnu Malappuram, has always surprised us with innovative ideas. Whether it be Gambas or Mobile Apps he always tries to incorporate SCERT syllabus and its study materials into it and above all he shares it with the students and teachers who follow Kerala syllabus in Kerala, Lakshadweep and Gulf countries.
Thank you sir for this latest mobile apps.
Kudos to your students Meera. M.P, Chandni.T, Divya. K.C and Indira Priyadarshini who made this a success.
The downloadable google drive links of the .apk files of English Question Pool by SCERT designed by ENGLISH CLUB, TSNMHS
Kundurkunnu, Malappuram.
5.Interpreting Data
6.Reported Speech
7.Unfamiliar Passage
8.Construction of Sentences
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